All BESTA Products to Be Purchased on Amazon

There are many things on people's minds during these trying times, and we realize this announcement pales by comparison. However, there will be an imminent change to our business, and we owe it to BESTA's loyal customers to explain. Starting this Friday, March 20th, the products on our website will be purchased through Amazon. Instead of an "Add to Cart" button, the button will say, "Buy on Amazon," and clicking...

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BETTA Update for the New Year

It has been quite a while since our last blog post, so I wanted to provide an update on what has been going on with BETTA and what to expect for the upcoming year. By way of excuses,  "write blog post" has been on the to-do list for a long time now, but there always seems to be a higher priority at hand. No time like the present, however, and...

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New & Improved Buckle Design

As the name suggests, BETTA Wear is committed to continuous improvement, stretching to make products betta all the time. We first made elastic belts with a thermoplastic buckle that, while not easy to find, already existed in the marketplace. We liked the design's style and cam buckle functionality. This generic buckle worked great for the most part, but we listened to customer feedback and decided it could be improved. The belt buckle was re-engineered from the ground...

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